Casablanca-Recent data unveiled by the “Associations of Producers and Exporters of Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers and Live Plants” in Spain (FEPEX), based on statistics from the European Union’s statistical agency Eurostat, showcases Morocco’s remarkable ascendancy as the top exporter of vegetables and fruits to the European Union. The total value of Moroccan exports surged past €1.8 billion until September of the previous year, underscoring the nation’s pivotal role in the EU’s agricultural trade landscape.

Surpassing traditional contenders, South Africa secured the second spot among the EU’s primary exporters, with exports valued at €1.5 billion during the initial nine months of the same year. Following closely behind were Peru, Turkey, Ecuador, and Costa Rica, with Chile and Israel further bolstering the cohort of significant exporters to the European market.

The insights from the associations of producers and exporters emphasize the substantial volume of vegetables and fruits procured by the European bloc, totaling approximately €14 billion during the specified period. Reflecting the region’s robust demand, Brussels imported a staggering 12 million tons of these commodities, doubling its exports to third countries.

Conversely, the data also illuminates the value of the European Community’s exports to external markets, amounting to a formidable €7.2 billion by September’s end. Notably, Great Britain emerged as the foremost destination for European agricultural products, with imports exceeding €3.3 billion. Following suit were Switzerland, Norway, Ukraine, Serbia, and the United States, underpinning the global appeal of European produce.

Undoubtedly, tomatoes stand as the cornerstone of Morocco’s foreign trade in fruits and vegetables, constituting approximately one-third of the country’s total exports in this category for the fiscal year 2022-2023. According to the specialized platform “East Fruit,” Moroccan exports of tomatoes registered a notable surge, reaching 716,700 tons and raking in export revenues estimated at $990 million. Over the past five years, the volume of tomato exports from Morocco has witnessed a commendable ascent of more than 25%, with the Kingdom showcasing the fastest growth rates among leading exporters globally.

In a landmark development, Morocco’s tomato exports to the EU outpaced those of Spain during the first quarter of 2023, marking an unprecedented milestone in the country’s trade history. Moreover, France emerges as the third-largest importer of tomatoes worldwide, with Moroccan vegetables commanding a significant share of its imports. Over half of Morocco’s total tomato exports are directed to French markets, with substantial quantities also finding their way to the United States and the Netherlands, thereby augmenting the Kingdom’s footprint in global trade.

While Morocco has expanded its export footprint across diverse markets, notable growth has been observed in shipments to emerging destinations. Notably, shipments to Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Austria have witnessed exponential growth, underscoring the country’s agility in penetrating new markets. Conversely, Morocco has curtailed its tomato exports to Russia, with shipments dwindling since 2021, in line with evolving trade dynamics.

In a parallel trend, Moroccan carrots have garnered traction in European markets, with Spain emerging as a key importer. The period 2022-2023 witnessed a remarkable surge in Spain’s imports of Moroccan carrots, reflecting a 5.7-fold increase compared to the previous year. Bolstered by adverse weather conditions in several EU countries, Moroccan farmers capitalized on the opportunity, significantly elevating their carrot exports to Spain, which surpassed the cumulative exports of the preceding six seasons.

The surge in Moroccan carrot exports underscores the country’s resilience amidst shifting market dynamics, positioning it as a formidable player in global agricultural trade. Despite Spain’s status as a prominent exporter of carrots, Morocco’s robust performance signals its growing prominence as a preferred supplier in European markets.

Morocco’s meteoric rise as a leading exporter of vegetables and fruits to the European Union underscores its pivotal role in global agricultural trade. With an unwavering commitment to quality and innovation, Morocco continues to consolidate its position as a key player in the global marketplace, forging enduring partnerships and capitalizing on emerging opportunities for sustained growth and prosperity.